Three stylish movies telling stories about life, love and fashion in New York City are presented with women in mind.
Annie Hall
1977 | 94min. Color English
Woody Allen's Oscar-winning romantic comedy takes a cynical look at the love life and relationship of a New York couple.
Director : Woody Allen
Cast :Woody Allen, Diane Keaton
The First Monday in May
2016 | 91min. Color English
The first behind-the-scenes look at the Academy Awards of the fashion industry organised by renowned Vogue editor Anna Wintour.
Director : Andrew Rossi
Cast :Anna Wintour, Andrew Bolton, Wong Kar-wai, Jean-Paul Gaultier, John Galliano, Karl Lagerfeld, Baz Luhrmann, Rihanna
Frannces Ha
2012 | 87min. B&W English
In this modern comic fable, Noah Baumbach explores New York, friendship, class, ambition, failure, and redemption.
Director : Noah Baumbach
Cast :Greta Gerwig, Mickey Sumner, Adam Driver